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Two smiling people wearing Fermenterarna Bryggeri shirts

Fermenterarna Bryggeri (Sweden)

Exporting fresh fruity, funky, wild and sour beers

Fermenterarna Bryggeri – the fermenting people – produce exceptional wild, sour beers in Sweden. It's astonishing because only two people run this small family-run brewery in Gothenburg.

Niclas is production master, with responsibility for the recipes and brewing. Anna, whose background is the restaurant industry, handles marketing and sales. She also designs the bright, colourful, quirky labels that reflect the brewery's beer.

Fermenterarna Bryggeri presents sour or fruity beers and IPAs with a distinctive taste. Amazing colours result from using all kinds of wild or natural fruits in their fruit beer.

Extra special beers deserve extra special care for distribution. So Biowan Craft makes Fermenterarna Bryggeri's beer quality a priority. Consumers appreciate the care and super-fresh Swedish beers.

Biowan Craft exports and distributes beer by air and cold chain sea freight. Fermenterarna Bryggeri reaches the Asia-Pacific market in perfect condition. Find it in 330 ml and 440 ml cans or 20 L KeyKegs.

Dare you try something fresh, fruity, funky, wild and sour in Asia and the Pacific?

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